Temperature Phased Anaerobic Digestion (TPAD)


The Temperature Phased Anaerobic Digestion process (TPAD) is an Advanced Anaerobic Digestion technology consisting of two anaerobic reactor vessels; a thermophilic reactor followed by a mesophilic reactor.


Temperature Phased Anaerobic digestion

When compared with thermal sludge hydrolysis processes followed by mesophilic anaerobic digestion,TPAD reduces feed solids pre-thickening requirements, and hence the electrical loads for pre-thickening, reduces temperature requirements for effective hydrolysis in the first, thermophilic, reactor, and hence thermal energy requirements, reduces solids retention time requirements for effective solids digestion, increases methane gas productivity, increases hygienisation and improves final digestate biosolids dewaterability. It also facilitates the recovery of ammonia from centrate.


TPAD has shown a clear increase in terms of organic matter removal and biogas production compared with mesophilic and thermophilic processes. The increased hydrolysis of the organic matter also leads to an increased concentration of ammonia nitrogen in the anaerobic supernatant providing an opportunity for the use of ammonia recovery technologies.

Temperature Phased Anaerobic Digestion

TPAD Performance

When comparing the range of options that may be considered for anaerobic digestion, the TPAD approach has various unique attributes that may make it the best technology solution for many specific situations.

Research and practice have shown that biogas production will be higher than either single-stage mesophilic or thermophilic digestion. Retention times will also be lower. This latter is a result of improved hydrolysis of waste reducing the impact of this rate limiting stage in the anaerobic digestion cycle.

Our Service

Temperature Phased Anaerobic Digestion

Organics has been designing and building equipment for environmental protection and renewable energy for over thirty years. The company has completed over 300 projects in many countries around the world, in six of our seven continents.

A key element in the Organics package is that primary design and supply for all major components remains with Organics. Organics has a long track record with anaerobic digestion systems, biogas handling and processing systems, including environmental flares, and front-end treatment systems. This means that interfaces are designed to be made
precisely. Issues with operation are
addressed in-house

 For further information on the possible use of this technology please contact us.

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